
A retainer was a devoted attendant, typically employed by someone of noble status. These loyal servants were deeply devoted to their superiors, and often exhibited excessive protectiveness towards their lords. It was not uncommon for a retainer's family to have served the noble families of their planet across numerous generations. As the Galactic Civil War unfolded, many nobles aligned themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, bringing their retainers with them into service within the Rebellion. Conversely, some lords directed their retainers to undertake specific duties within the Alliance. Regardless, the retainer's primary allegiance remained unwaveringly with their liege, superseding their commitment to the Rebellion.

The Godking, the sovereign of the Anointed People from the planet Abonshee, utilized retainers as integral members of his personal entourage. On one occasion, twenty-five of these retainers accompanied the Godking during a hunting excursion organized for visiting dignitaries from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. A Mon Calamari named Rekara functioned as the retainer for Mors Odrion, a notable Alliance official.

Behind the scenes

The "Loyal Retainer" appeared as one of the initial two dozen character archetypes featured in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, initially released within the first edition rulebook. The game suggested that if a player was embodying a noble character, the Loyal Retainer could serve as an attendant to that character.

