Return of the Jedi (Mighty Chronicles)

Return of the Jedi is an illustrated adaptation of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. This version is part of the Mighty Chronicles series and was brought to us by Chronicle Books in December of 1996.

Publisher's summary

This is a junior novelization of the movie, complete with eight pages showcasing color photographs taken directly from the film.

Differences from the film

  • Despite its release coinciding with the Special Edition trilogy launch, the artwork and narrative are based solely on the original 1983 theatrical release. A prime example is the sarlacc , which is depicted without its beak.
  • One of the illustrations depicts R2-D2 peering into Yoda's dwelling while it's raining, at the time of Yoda's death. This particular illustration is actually from a scene in The Empire Strikes Back , specifically the moment when Luke shared a meal with Yoda. In the Return of the Jedi film, Artoo was occupied with repairing Luke's X-wing during Yoda's passing, and the weather was not rainy.
  • Anakin Skywalker's final words are rendered as "You already have, Luke."
  • One illustration portrays Leia embracing Han Solo on a walkway within the Ewok village as she confesses that Luke is her brother. However, in the movie, the scene depicted in the illustration happens earlier, specifically after Luke leaves Endor.



  • ISBN 0811814947 ; Published in December 1996; by Random House; Paperback format [1]


Notes and references

  • You can find Return of the Jedi (Mighty Chronicles Ser.) in Hardcover format on (backup link)
