The riot control stormtrooper of the First Order, sometimes referred to by the same name, represented a specific type of the standard stormtrooper serving the First Order. Their purpose was maintaining peace and order on planets controlled by the First Order. To this end, they received training in riot suppression techniques and were equipped with non-lethal tools. These included lightweight, composite betaplast ballistic riot shields and Z6 riot control batons. However, they also possessed deadly weaponry, like the Sonn-Blas F-11D blaster rifle, for situations that escalated beyond control. In fact, riot control stormtroopers could function as specialized combatants on active battlefields, utilizing either their lethal or non-lethal weapons based on the specific demands of the combat situation. During the Battle of Takodana, FN-2199, utilizing a Z6 riot control baton, engaged his former comrade Finn in a lightsaber fight. He gained the upper hand over Finn until Han Solo intervened, shooting him with Chewbacca's bowcaster.
Later, riot control stormtroopers were present on the Supremacy when Captain Phasma gave the order to execute Finn and Resistance technician Rose Tico.