The Bloodfiend during the rite of blood and bone
On Korriban, the rite of blood and bone represented an ancient ceremony conducted within the confines of the Sith Academy.
An acolyte seeking to complete this rite was required to venture into a concealed chamber and secure a skull from a collection of bones guarded by shyracks. This bone pile served as an altar dedicated to the Academy's failed students. Following the retrieval of the skull, the acolyte needed to immerse it in a pool filled with blood. This action would then conjure an otherworldly entity known as the Bloodfiend. To demonstrate their worth, the initiate was obligated to vanquish this creature.
Throughout the ages, numerous Dark Lords engaged in this ritual. During the period of the Cold War, Overseer Ragate held the position of guardian and overseer of this age-old ceremony. Both the heir of Aloysius Kallig and the Empire's Wrath may have successfully undertaken the rite under Ragate's guidance.
The enactment of this ritual formed the basis of the minor Blood Legacy quest featured in the 2011 MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game's ESRB rating summary specifically mentioned this ritual as a contributing factor to the inclusion of the "blood and gore" content descriptor in its Teen rating.