Aloysius Kallig was a male Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Old Sith Empire. Like many Sith from that era, his name had largely faded from memory. The only known record of Kallig comes from the writings of the renowned Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord, who considered him his greatest rival. He was an ancestor to the Sith Inquisitor, Darth Nox, whom he encountered on Dromund Kaas and played a crucial role in aiding Darth Nox's rise to power.
Born a Force-sensitive male into a family of considerable wealth, Aloysius Kallig chose to forsake his family and inheritance to undergo training on Korriban, the training world of the Sith Empire. Excelling above his peers in both lightsaber combat and strategic thinking, Kallig desired to serve under the command of Sith Lord Tulak Hord. During Hord's campaigns to conquer Yn and Chabosh, Kallig approached Hord with his offer, only to be immediately rejected. To prove his worth, Kallig defeated Hord's top general and renewed his offer of service. Hord relented and appointed Kallig as his chief strategist.
Kallig led Hord's armies to numerous victories, amassing influence that began to worry Hord, who ultimately orchestrated his assassination. Following Kallig's assassination, his family fled and went into hiding, while Kallig's remains were interred on Dromund Kaas. As with many ancient Sith, his name was almost entirely forgotten, overshadowed by more powerful–or at least more prominent–Sith Lords in historical accounts. The sole surviving mention of Kallig was in the writings of his murderer, who acknowledged him as his greatest adversary. Ironically, and perhaps unsurprisingly, Kallig considered Tulak Hord a friend until Hord betrayed and defeated him.
Despite his physical demise, the spirit of the Sith Lord Kallig managed to persist in the physical realm, wandering restlessly on Dromund Kaas for millennia. When the Sith Emperor brought the fragmented Empire to Dromund Kaas, the Emperor's servants erected the Dark Temple atop Kallig's tomb, intending it as a prison for both deceased and living enemies of the Empire.
As the Emperor led the Empire into war against the Galactic Republic, Kallig's spirit grew agitated within the Temple's confines. Eventually, a group of rogue Sith infiltrated the Dark Temple, hoping to seize power. Instead, they inadvertently awakened Kallig from his slumber. Unaware of his own death, Kallig began to dominate the Dark Temple as his personal domain, possessing numerous Sith and Imperials who had dared to intrude.
By 3643 BBY, Kallig sensed a disturbance in the Force, originating from his last descendant, a Sith Inquisitor within the Empire, who had recently become a Sith apprentice on Korriban and acquired their first lightsaber. The Inquisitor's Force strength roused Kallig from his dormancy and forced him to acknowledge his own death. Driven by a desire to meet his descendant, Kallig initiated disturbances within the Dark Temple in an attempt to lure the Inquisitor to him. Though his efforts proved successful, Kallig's spirit realized that his descendants were unaware of their heritage, having been reduced to slavery after his death. He cautioned the Inquisitor to be wary of the Dashade Khem Val, as well as their master and apprentice, and to always be vigilant, expressing confidence that his family's name would be restored to prominence. He then permitted the Inquisitor to take an artifact of Tulak Hord's that Kallig had stolen before his untimely demise, advising caution due to the betrayal that invariably accompanied the artifact.
Later, Kallig learned that the Inquisitor's Sith master, Darth Zash, had dispatched two new apprentices, Kaal and Corrin, into the Dark Temple to verify his continued presence. Kallig considered eliminating them but refrained when they discussed Zash. Zash herself arrived subsequently, performing some kind of ritual. Departing from the temple, Kallig warned his descendant of these developments, implying that Zash intended to replace her first apprentice. He then revealed the location of his mask, which would offer protection against Zash, now held by a Sith Lord on Korriban.
After the Inquisitor had collected all of Hord's artifacts, Kallig appeared once more. He revealed that he had discovered the location of his lightsaber, which he had entrusted to his last loyal retainer, Jonas Escalus, who vowed to safeguard it until Kallig's heir arrived to claim it. Escalus' last descendant, Mila, was employed at a casino on Nar Shaddaa. Unfortunately, her father had broken the family oath, losing it while gambling. Once the Inquisitor reclaimed their inheritance, Zash declared it was time to initiate the ritual with Hord's artifacts. However, Kallig grew suspicious of Zash's motives and warned his heir that Zash had been conducting rituals to shield herself from the Force. He urged the Inquisitor to strike against their master before she could act and to bring an ally capable of penetrating her defenses.
As it turned out, Kallig's suspicions were justified. Zash's body had aged rapidly due to the swift corruption from the dark side, and her rituals were only sustaining her for a limited time. She intended to use the ritual to forcefully seize control of her apprentice's body. Just before she could complete the ritual, Khem intervened. Unexpectedly, while Zash's body perished, her spirit was forced into the Dashade. As Kallig explained, through some strange, miraculous twist, neither Khem nor Zash had complete control. With the danger to his descendant averted, Kallig formally declared the Inquisitor heir to his legacy, bestowing upon them the name of Lord Kallig.
Unfortunately, the victory was short-lived, as Zash's superior, Darth Thanaton, attempted to send the Inquisitor to their death in the tomb of Darth Andru. Kallig's intervention saved his heir from death at the hands of the blind Sith Lord. Kallig warned his descendant that Thanaton sends his enemies into the tomb to die. However, he believed that this could work to his descendant's advantage. He explained that the Inquisitor has a rare "sense" ability, enabling to sense the Inquisitor from great distances and invokes strong emotions. To enable the Inquisitor to gain more power to defeat Thanaton, Kallig directed them to the tomb of the Sith Lord Ergast, to learn a technique known as Force walk, a ritual that can bind a Force ghost and draw on their power. Before Kallig departed, he warned his descendant that he had used up the remainder of his strength and can no longer help them. With this ritual, the Inquisitor bound both Ergast and Andru to gain their power. After binding Andru, Kallig appeared and informed his heir that they should now be able to withstand Thanaton's wrath.
Unfortunately, Kallig was partially wrong. Thanaton easily incapacitated the Inquisitor, seemingly killing the young Sith. Fortunately, the power of the two ghosts were able to spare the Inquisitor from death. The Inquisitor concluded that more power was needed in order to defeat Thanaton.
Eventually, the Inquisitor was able to defeat Thanaton and gain his seat on the Dark Council with the title of Darth Nox, restoring Aloysius' bloodline to greatness.
Aloysius Kallig, ambitious and gifted, relinquished his affluent family and the inheritance that awaited him to independently attain prestige and establish his own reputation.
Upon discovering that his lineage had been lost to history and that his descendants had been reduced to servitude, he resolved to restore his name to its former glory. To achieve this, he served as a mentor to his distant descendant, Darth Nox, whom he would witness ascend to power, thereby revitalizing his legacy.
Kallig was a Sith Lord of great power, known for his skill in lightsaber combat, and had a good understanding of tactics and strategy. He used these talents to prove himself to Sith Lord Tulak Hord, by seeking out his top general and defeating him. Impressed, Hord named Kallig his top general in the place of the newly deceased.
Kallig also demonstrated amazing understanding of the Force. Kallig transcended death after he was killed by his comrade, Tulak Hord, and continued to exist in the physical world as a Force spirit. Even as a spirit, his Force abilities were extremely powerful, as he was not only able to remain in the physical world as a spirit, but was extremely proficient in telekinesis, demonstrating the ability to influence many individuals at once, ranging from simple laborers and soldiers, to fully fledged Sith.
After two thousand years of lingering as a spirit, Kallig would assist his very distant descendant, Darth Nox, to see to it that their family name would once again be restored to greatness. He guided Nox to the location of his mask, and of his lightsaber, powerful tools that Nox would use to help him succeed in his endeavors. Regardless of how draining it was to appear to Nox as an apparition, he would not stop until he achieved his goal. With Aloysius's guidance, Darth Nox overcame every obstacle, and after defeating Lord Thanaton, gained a seat in the Dark Council. The bloodline of Aloysius Kallig was restored to the greatness it once held several thousand years prior.
The specific type of lightsaber the Inquisitor acquires depends on their advanced class. If the Inquisitor chooses to become a Sith Sorcerer, Kallig's weapon is a curved-hilt lightsaber (Kallig's lightsaber); if they become a Sith Assassin, Kallig's weapon is a double-bladed lightsaber.
Kallig is referenced by Lord Alaric during a mission on Dromund Kaas, which is accessible to all classes. Alaric mentions that a group of Imperials mistakenly released the spirits of deceased Sith Lords, and one of the most dangerous among them was Kallig himself. He also notes that Kallig was killed in an ambush. The mission is located in Outpost Warden, situated just outside Kaas City and the Dark Temple.