A river signifies a substantial, naturally formed waterway.
Highlighted rivers located throughout the galaxy included:
- Andrevea River , found on Naboo
- Atrivis River , found on Generis
- Blue River
- Braan River , found on Qiilura
- Chenataa river , found on Kashyyyk
- Daplona River , found on Ciutric
- Dreaming River , found on Dathomir
- East River , found on Bakura
- Estauril River , found on Cularin
- Frenzied River , found on Dathomir
- Frieste River , found on Rhinnal
- Gachoogai River , found on Ylesia
- Grand Kessel River , found on Kessel
- Grandmother's Tears , found on Haruun Kal
- Juntrack River , found on Draenell's Point
- Kelita River , found on Mandalore
- Krisa River , found on Talus
- Lona Cranith River , found on Lianna
- Nihun River , found on Brosi
- Noga River , found on Teyr
- Orrineswa River , found on Eriadu
- Pharine River , found on New Plympto
- Quatreen River , found on Cartao
- Ressl River , found on Carida
- Reyno River , found on Brosi
- River of Light
- River Weeping , found on Vjun
- Roaring River , found on Tasariq
- Salc River , found on Garos IV
- Solleu River , found on Naboo
- Taal's River , found on Aram
- Temple River , found on Orellon II
- Teonsqua River , found on Rodia
- Torosogt River , found on Ansion
- Unnh River , found on Yavin 4
- Vlassy River , found on Garqi
- West Reyno River , found on Brosi
- West River , found on Bakura
- Whispering River , found on Forest moon of Endor
- Yarlubb River , Forest moon of Endor
- Z'gag River , found on Ruuria
- River of Fire , a lava river located on Kintan
- Great Mother River , a man-made river located on the Ithorian Herdship , Bazaar
- Great River , a visionary galactic route where Jedi and refugees could flee the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
- Rivers of Stone , a cavern located on Dathomir
- River of Blood , a warship of the Yuuzhan Vong
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