Rodick Tag

Rodick Tag was a law enforcement officer of Iotra, known as a Braceman, who transitioned into a bounty hunter operating under the Granse Confederacy's banner.


Tag's career began as a Braceman on his home planet, Iotra, serving as a type of police officer. His duties involved pursuing fugitives of the government, and during these pursuits, he caused what was deemed "collateral damage," which resulted in injuries to innocent bystanders. Notably, many of those he "accidentally" harmed were connected to the Rebel Alliance as operatives or contacts.

After his time as a Braceman concluded, Tag found the subsequent pension insufficient for his desired lifestyle. Consequently, he chose to moonlight as a bounty hunter, initially accepting contracts from Moff Garret Callron in the Clacis sector. He performed this work for a period before shifting to contracts offered by the Hutts.

Upon departing Hutt Space, Tag encountered fellow bounty hunters Arcuse and Kiran Tatch, both of whom had been ostracized by the Hutts. Tag joined them for the sake of companionship during travel. Shortly thereafter, Arcuse encountered Callandri, a professional assassin seeking to assemble a bounty-hunting team specializing in capturing Rebels. She successfully persuaded Arcuse to join her venture, and Tag and Tatch followed suit. From that point onward, Tag continued his career as a full-time bounty hunter, now under the employ of the Granse Confederacy.

Personality and traits

Tag's rigorous training and consistent physical activity resulted in a physique that was exceptionally muscular, even by Iotran standards. He was also highly proficient in marksmanship, especially with hand blasters.

From the outset, Tag harbored a dislike for the Rebellion's ideals, viewing their actions as disruptive to society. However, he also held a negative view of the Galactic Empire.


Tag's weapon of choice was a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol equipped with a specialized multi-setting/multi-spectrum package developed by Iotran Defense Technologies. While this enhancement increased the weapon's firepower, it also made it more susceptible to malfunctions. He typically wore the standard Braceman uniform, albeit without any indication of rank or insignia.

Behind the scenes

Rodick Tag was initially introduced in the role-playing game supplement Alliance Intelligence Reports, published by West End Games. The book Ultimate Alien Anthology by Wizards of the Coast uses "Rodick Tag" as a sample name for Iotran characters.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (Initial mention)
  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology

Notes and references
