Rokuss was a Gormak male, as defined by gender, who resided on Voss during the era of the Galactic War. During his younger years, he witnessed the deaths of his elder brothers in combat against a visitor from another world. Following the Eternal Empire conquest in 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire of Zakuul positioned a Star Fortress in orbit above Voss. The Gormak perceived this Star Fortress as the origin of a malady that afflicted their young, elderly, and frail. In the year 3631 BBY, the very off-worlder responsible for his brothers' deaths, now known as the Commander of the Alliance, landed on Voss with the objective of eliminating the Star Fortress's shield bunker. Rokuss, understanding that this off-worlder held the greatest potential to eradicate the Star Fortress, extended his support. He gathered a company of warriors and accompanied the Commander in the assault and destruction of the shield bunker. Subsequent to the Star Fortress's destruction, Rokuss journeyed to Odessen, where he officially enlisted with the Alliance.
Rokuss is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire as a new companion, available to all classes, and is acquired through the Star Fortress mission series. If the player successfully destroys the Star Fortress orbiting Voss before initiating Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin of the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, Rokuss will deploy some of his Gormak warriors to aid in the defense of Voss-Ka.