Ropagi system

The Ropagi system consisted of three planets and was located in the Kira sector within the Expansion Region. Ropagi, a star, served as the system's primary celestial body.


Situated in the Expansion Region, specifically within the Kira sector, the Ropagi system was an integral part of the Enarc Run. The system was linked to the Harrin Trade Corridor via a short hyperlane known as the Kira Run. The Roldalna system and the Pax system were neighboring systems. A starship with a Class One hyperdrive could reach Roldalna in approximately thirty-nine hours, while reaching Pax would take two days and eleven hours.


Originally, Ropagi was inhabited by the near-Human Ropagu, a race known for their warlike tendencies. However, the Kalduu influenced them to adopt a more peaceful lifestyle. Subsequently, Ropagi transformed into a hub for philosophy and pacifism. To ensure their safety, the Ropagu began employing mercenaries for all security needs, turning Ropagi II into a major mercenary market in the galaxy.

The Ropagi system was abundant in natural resources. The Ropagu accumulated wealth without experiencing widespread industrial destruction, limiting industrial zones to a single city and orbital stations. The establishment of the Kira Run in 70 BBY, which connected the system to the Harrin Trade Corridor, further boosted its economic prosperity. The system's sun, Ropagi, became recognized as one of the "Twin Stars of Kira."

Orbital bodies

The Ropagi system contained three planets. Two were located relatively close to the system's star, while the third was situated much farther away. Some astronomers theorized that the system may have originally included two additional planets, though there was no evidence to support this.


Elpoor, a desolate and scorching rock, was the planet nearest to the sun.

Ropagi II

With a population exceeding one billion beings, Ropagi served as the system's primary planet and the home world for two native species, the Kalduu and the Ropagu. This terrestrial and pristine world was a haven for philosophers and poets, as well as one of the galaxy's largest mercenary marketplaces.


The outermost planet, Seltaya, was a remote ice world that served as a pirate base for Telak's Terrors, who, under the command of Kird Telak, plagued the Enarc Run.

Behind the scenes

While the sourcebook Twin Stars of Kira placed the system in the Expansion Region, Wanted by Cracken referenced a planet named Seltaya and located it in the Mieru'kar sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Both sources described Seltaya as an ice world that served as a home base for a pirate group. This inconsistency was resolved with the publication of The Essential Atlas, which retconned the Seltaya from Wanted by Cracken to be Seltaya Major in the Seltaya Major system, and Seltaya from Twin Stars of Kira to be Seltaya Minor (also known as Ropagi III) within the Ropagi system.

