The government that governed the planet Euceron was known as the Ruling Power. This body, which was based in Eusebus, the capital city of the planet, was the host of the Galactic Games in the year 26 BBY.
For a planet of its dimensions, Euceron possessed one of the most substantial security forces in the galaxy. The Ruling Power, comprised of ten rulers who dictated the laws and choices for the whole planet, governed through methods of oppression and fear. The title of each individual ruler was a number, such as "Ruler One" or "Ruler Two".
While the Galactic Senate typically did not endorse such a form of governance, maintaining the safety and tranquility of the populace during the Galactic Games was of utmost importance. Therefore, at the request of the Ruling Power, the Jedi High Council dispatched three Jedi teams to assist in overseeing the proceedings and preserving order.
Rulers Three, Six, and Seven were the presiding officials at the criminal hearing that followed the unearthing of a plot orchestrated by prominent members of the Galactic Games Council targeting specific Galactic Senators.