Eusebus, also known as Euceron City, functioned as the capital city of the planet called Euceron. Though normally possessing light traffic, the city experienced significant congestion when the Galactic Games were hosted on the planet in 26 BBY. Due to the planet's lack of natural stone, the city was constructed entirely from plastoid materials. Its buildings featured bright colors and were limited to a maximum height of twenty stories.
The Great Dordon Caves were situated on the city's northern edge, and it was there that Anakin Skywalker engaged in podracing during his stay for the Galactic Games, alongside other Jedi sent to oversee the games and maintain order at the request of the Ruling Power, Euceron's governing body. The Council of the Games leadership deemed the podrace "illegal," yet their prominent members displayed extreme hypocrisy in their judgment. They were not only complicit in the race's illegalities and rigged nature, but also were scheming—in conjunction with the Commerce Guild, which sought to control banking activity in the Core Worlds through legislation—to ruin the reputations of several respected Galactic Senators who opposed them. This involved placing fabricated gambling bets in their names and orchestrating guaranteed wins for specific contestants. Furthermore, they disregarded the countless innocent lives of their own citizen-spectators (in a planned podracer-grandstand collision, which, if successful, they intended to blame on the senators)—all driven by a selfish pursuit of power, prestige, and wealth.
During the Galactic Games, Eusebus's streets teemed with covert security personnel, despised by the city's residents, as they merely served as instruments of the Ruling Power's oppressive governance. Resentment and deep dissatisfaction simmered among the Euceron citizenry beneath the city's vibrant exterior.