Rust Yards

The Rust Yards, an industrial zone, was situated on the world of Nal Hutta, specifically in proximity to the River Lands and the [Eastern Grime].

This sector, the Rust Yards, was comprised of numerous manufacturing plants. These facilities were built, utilized, and ultimately left to decay, only to be reconstructed and given new purposes across many years. The area was made up of ore processing centers that were transformed into droid dismantling facilities when ore became scarce. Similarly, weapon manufacturing lines evolved into storage sites for hazardous chemicals when the arms trade diminished.

During the era of the Cold War, the Rust Yards fell under the dominion of the Hutt crime lord Nem'ro, a consequence of his possessing the largest armed contingent in the vicinity. Nonetheless, a sequence of violent assaults resulted in Voontara Fa'athra, Nem'ro's adversary, seizing control of the Rust Yards. Voontara Fa'athra then maintained strict control over the region using his own mercenaries and security droids.

