Ruulian Rebels

A group of Ruulian insurgents are shown with captured AT-STs and also AT-PTs.

The Ruulian Rebels were indigenous people from the planet Ruul. They engaged in a guerrilla war opposing the Empire's occupation.


In the year 0 BBY, the Rebel Alliance maintained a notable presence on certain regions of Ruul. However, any potential link between the Ruulian Rebels and the formal Alliance remains uncertain, including whether the Ruulian Rebels even existed at this time.

By 3 ABY, the Ruulian Rebels were definitively active. A new wave of rebellion emerged across Ruul, independent of the Alliance. Dellis Tantor was dispatched by Grand General Malcor Brashin with the intention of suppressing the uprising. However, Tantor's mission was in reality a deceptive maneuver to facilitate his capture.

Regardless of any concrete actions taken, the Ruulian Rebels continued their fight against the Empire when Brenn Tantor, Dellis's elder sibling, arrived leading a small Rebel assault team. Tantor's primary objective was to liberate Beri Tulon, who was being transported to the Tarkin Detention Facility. In addition to this, Tantor successfully freed a Ruulian Rebel commander who happened to be traveling along the same path. Several other Ruulian Rebels were present in the vicinity, possibly orchestrating their own rescue attempt; the leader was subsequently returned to them.

Following the rescue operation, Tantor conducted an intelligence raid on the Sounder Flats computer complex. Numerous Ruulian Rebels were active in the area, some of whom possessed access to pilfered AT-ST and AT-PT walkers. Tantor successfully enlisted these guerrillas, utilizing them in the raid. It is assumed that the Rebellion provided assistance to them following their triumph in the Battle of Endor, which transpired soon after Tantor's mission.

