Safonne Pendon

A male Rodian pirate chieftain was known as Safonne Pendon. Pendon led a relatively small, but still potent, collection of spacecraft, operating from his corvette flagship, the Safonne's Sword. His strategy involved ambushing New Republic transport groups, compelling their crews to yield, and subsequently seizing both the vessels and their valuable contents.


Born on the planet of Rodia during 21 BBY, Safonne Pendon engaged in piracy throughout the Galactic Civil War, commanding his fleet from the CR90 corvette named Safonne's Sword. His crew included the Ithorian duo, the Venithon Twins, alongside several extensively modified light freighters, a pair of DP20 frigates, and one GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat. Pendon established his central hub in the Mieru'kar sector, specifically on the frigid world of Seltaya Major, a location he stumbled upon following a failed assault on an Imperial Star Galleon-class frigate. During the Galactic Empire's reign, Pendon bartered the spoils of his raids with various underworld figures and, on occasion, with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Pendon's syndicate grew to the point where it rivaled the Hy'thor pirate group. Consequently, in 2 ABY, Ompiach, the head of Hy'thor, dispatched some of his pirates, including the Venithon Twins, to negotiate a settlement with Pendon. Regrettably, the parley devolved into a naval skirmish.

Amidst the conflict, stray fire inflicted damage upon a Rebel freighter carrying valuable goods. The damaged freighter executed a crash landing on a neighboring planet, prompting the Hy'thor pirates to pursue it in order to seize the cargo. It remains uncertain whether Pendon felt any compulsion to do the same.

As the New Republic gained power, Pendon ceased his dealings with the former Alliance, opting instead to engage with the Empire, as well as maintaining his established connections within the criminal network. Beginning in 6 ABY, Pendon shifted his focus to targeting New Republic starships, where overwhelming pirate strength consistently led to the capitulation of New Republic vessels. In response, the New Republic placed a bounty of 12,500 credits on Pendon's head, accusing him of piracy, theft, and acts of sabotage.

Personality and traits

Safonne Pendon, a Rodian male, stood at a height of 1.75 meters. He possessed qualities of a skilled leader and an imposing character, along with being a clever negotiator and trickster.

Skills and abilities

Pendon received instruction in the employment of blasters, blaster artillery, grenades, and hand-to-hand fighting. He also underwent survival training. Pendon possessed wide-ranging knowledge concerning alien species, their respective cultures and languages, and planetary systems, in addition to grasping bureaucratic processes and the workings of the criminal world. An accomplished pilot, Pendon could operate capital ships, smaller transports, and starfighters, as well as chart courses through hyperspace. Furthermore, he demonstrated proficiency in utilizing the armaments and deflector shield mechanisms on compact spacecraft, and managing repulsorlift vehicles. Pendon had the capacity to program and repair computers and droids, execute demolitions, and circumvent security protocols.


Pendon typically carried a blaster pistol and a vibroblade, along with a comlink and a datapad.

Behind the scenes

Pendon's character was initially detailed in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook released by West End Games back in 1993. The illustration of Pendon was the work of Rob Caswell.

His last name sometimes appeared with the altered spelling "Pendonn" within Alliance Intelligence Reports.


Notes and references
