Sal Sor'Chan

Sal Sor'Chan was a Nautolan woman, gifted with the Force, who served the Rebel Alliance as both a recruiter and advisor.

Personality and traits

Sor'Chan considered the Empire to be a tyrannical and evil regime. However, she also felt that most citizens of the Empire were unaware of its true nature. In her role as a recruitment agent for the Rebellion, she aimed to help bring about the Empire's downfall by revealing its wrongdoings to the population. Sor'Chan was a strong advocate for mercy, viewing it as a form of strength, and she would choose to spare an enemy's life whenever possible, rather than take it.

Being a Nautolan, Sor'Chan possessed amphibious abilities, allowing her to breathe in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Her attire included armored garments, and she carried a blaster pistol, shock gloves, a datapad, a comlink, and a kit for disguises. She also bore a tattoo of the Rebel crest somewhere concealed on her person.

Behind the scenes

Zora's character is introduced as a starting point for Fantasy Flight Games' Force and Destiny roleplaying game Beta.


Notes and references
