A makeshift sled, known as a sandboard, was fashioned by the scavenger Rey during her time on the planet Jakku before she joined the Resistance and began her search for Luke Skywalker.
Rey constructed her sandboard by recovering a piece of smooth metal plating from the hull of a Mon Calamari escape pod. This plate, which curved inward on both sides, provided sufficient space for Rey and her rucksack. She repurposed a fuel port as a fastening grommet and used parachute fabric to line the inner surface of the sled. A strap was attached to the board, enabling her to steer it during movement or to tow it behind her as she walked.

On Jakku, Rey built and employed the makeshift sled to facilitate rapid descents down the planet's dunes. Its size allowed it to carry both her and her rucksack, which was helpful for salvage runs within the Starship Graveyard. To cover longer distances, Rey stored the sandboard inside the salvage bag attached to her speeder.
After salvaging components from the wreckage of the crashed Imperial-class Star Destroyer Interrogator, Rey utilized her sandboard by loading the salvaged scrap onto it and sending it down the dune. She located another scrap sled and used it to follow her sandboard down to her speeder. After loading her loot and reaching the bottom, she discarded the extra sled to travel to Niima Outpost.