The Sandwind team, operating covertly within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, was a group stationed on the planet of Tatooine.
This group, comprised of eleven members, managed all Rebel operations within the Arkanis sector from a farm located on Motesta, Tatooine. N'tain Xalis served as the Sandwind leader, and the team included agents Carlio and Swanze, along with eight other permanent members. They also made use of contacts and unofficial auxiliary agents.
Xalis desired tranquility to effectively execute his responsibilities, which influenced his selection of Tatooine as their base of operations. However, he came to realize that Tatooine was not as peaceful as he initially hoped: The search for the Death Star schematics and the pursuit of Adar Tallon nearly exposed the Sandwind team's presence.
The Sandwind team encountered a recurring adversary in the form of the Jundland Banshee, a solitary yet formidable Tusken Raider. For no apparent reason, the Banshee engaged in several acts of sabotage, including the destruction of Sandwind communication sub-anchors three and twelve. The Banshee's attacks on local farmers risked attracting the attention of the Galactic Empire, which could have easily resulted in the Sandwind team's discovery. Although both Carlio and Swanze observed the Banshee (in Beggar's Canyon and Nomad Gulch respectively), neither was successful in apprehending him.
During a period when leader Xalis was required to travel to the Elus sector, Rebel officer Adazian Liebke temporarily assumed command, encountering difficulties with the Banshee. Xalis also assisted in concealing Rebel agent Tay Vanis from Moff Murquan. Through these actions, Sandwind gained two new, influential allies.
Ultimately, Xalis composed a report concerning the Banshee for The Task Force on Alliance Security, with the support of Liebke and Vanis. Vanis suggested deploying a Rebel combat unit disguised as bounty hunters hired by farmers.