Sasso, a Rodian from Rodia, aided Team Meloque in their mission to eliminate the yammosk that had been placed on the planet Caluula during the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Sasso's initial assignment was to Caluula Station; however, he became a member of the Caluula Resistance prior to the station's downfall. Alongside Ferfer from the Ryn Network, Sasso's official role was as a guide for Team Meloque, but in reality, he was directing them to hidden caches of weapons belonging to the resistance movement. Upon reaching the vicinity of Caluula City, Team Meloque found themselves caught in an ambush set by the Slayers. Sasso launched an attack against the Warriors, but one of the Slayers swiftly evaded the Rodian, and stabbed Sasso in the back with a coufee.