Satrank, a Godling of the male persuasion, was a member of the dominant group of the Anointed People originating from the world of Masterhome. His life unfolded during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Satrank, a male Godling, belonged to the ruling sub-species of the Anointed People who resided on Abonshee, governed by the Godking Trisstan. During the Galactic Civil War in the year 0 ABY, representatives from the Alliance to Restore the Republic arrived on the planet. To evaluate the Alliance's sincerity and dedication to peaceful negotiations, Trisstan tasked Satrank with a deception. Satrank was instructed to pretend to be an aspiring plotter seeking the throne, and to contact the Rebels with an offer to assist in deposing the Godking. Satrank was then to communicate the Rebel's response directly to Trisstan at the welcoming gala held at the royal palace of Masterhome.