Savara Two represented a clone resulting from a Human-Columi hybridization, and she secretly was Vestara Khai, the Force-sensitive mercenary Savara Raine. The creation of Savara Two occurred under the watchful eye of Marvid Qreph, the Columi crime boss who held the original Savara in high regard, yet felt she was in need of "enhancements," so to speak. The existence of Savara Two remained concealed from Khai until the Millennium Falcon launched an assault on Base Prime, the location where the clone was brought into being. During this invasion, Khai was compelled to defend herself, leading her to direct Marvid's sibling, Craitheus, into the trajectory of multiple laser blasts, leaving him severely wounded. As retribution, Marvid turned against Khai, abandoning her to perish in the attack. Simultaneously, he exploited the unwavering loyalty and Force abilities of Savara Two to unlock the gate situated adjacent to a monolith above which Base Prime was positioned; this was all part of the Qrephs' plan to seize the Force for their own purposes.
Savara Two's life concluded when Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo gained entry to the monolith. Inside, Skywalker unleashed a Force-based blast that resulted in Savara Two's disintegration.