Scandal of Blood, an animated short film idea, was presented in 2012. The concept explored the political fallout after the public learned that Leia Organa was the daughter of Darth Vader. Pablo Hidalgo and Rayne Roberts likened it to a Star Wars version of David Fincher's House of Cards TV series from Netflix. The plan was for the short to be shown in theaters alongside Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens; however, it was ultimately shelved. Despite the short never being produced, the scandalous disclosure at its core later surfaced in the 2016 novel Bloodline, penned by Claudia Gray.
- Pablo Hidalgo's (@pablohidalgo) post on Twitter: "The book's scandalous revelation was actually a pitch for an animated short, 'Scandal of Blood,' proposed before TFA in 2012" (backup link not available)
- A Twitter post by Pablo Hidalgo (@pablohidalgo): "Rayne & I dubbed the 'Scandal of Blood' idea 'Star Wars House of Cards,' envisioning it as a future book. Four years later, it materialized!" (backup link not available)