A spaceport was once owned by Scarlet Bloodhawk around the time of the Battle of Yavin. However, her second-in-command, the Ky'lessan known as Snake-Eyes, seized control of the facility after abducting her.
Scarlet Bloodhawk was the owner of a spaceport. This spaceport offered services such as landing beacons and starship repair facilities. Around the period of the battle of Yavin, Bloodhawk employed a Ky'lessan called Snake-Eyes. He rose to become Bloodhawk's second-in-command, but his ambition led him to kidnap her and confine her within her own quarters at the spaceport. It is unclear if the rest of the crew were aware of this, or were complicit in Snake-Eyes' actions.
Driven by the pursuit of greater profits, Snake-Eyes neglected the spaceport's upkeep. He continued to utilize Bloodhawk's domodroid, H2-1B4. In 0 ABY, some of Bloodhawk's former allies arrived at the port, seeking repairs for their vessel. Upon discovering that these newcomers were members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Snake-Eyes secretly reported them to the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, he instructed his crew to sabotage the ship under the guise of performing repairs. H2-1B4 then enlisted the Rebels' help to free Bloodhawk. During their attempt to flee the spaceport, they were forced to evade attacks from an Imperial cutter dispatched by the Empire.