Scarlet Bloodhawk

Scarlet Bloodhawk, a Rebel supporter, known as the Captain, at times managed a starship repairing port and, at other times, a smuggler's vessel.


During the Galactic Civil War, Scarlet Bloodhawk, a female, was the owner of a spaceport that offered repair services. Her staff consisted of herself, her domodroid H2-1B4, and a Ky'lessan called "Snake-Eyes". Eventually, Snake-Eyes betrayed Bloodhawk, imprisoning her in her own quarters and seizing control of the spaceport. Consequently, vital tasks such as landing beacons upkeep were neglected.

While Bloodhawk was held captive, a longtime friend from the Alliance to Restore the Republic arrived at the spaceport aboard their ship with a crew needing repairs. Snake-Eyes, feigning assistance, secretly contacted the Galactic Empire to capture the Rebels in exchange for a reward. H2-1B4, remaining loyal to Bloodhawk and recognizing her friend, informed the Rebels of Snake-Eyes' treachery. The Rebels then broke into Bloodhawk's quarters and freed her. However, the attempt triggered an alarm, forcing Scarlet, H2-1BA, and the Rebels to escape into the surrounding wilderness. Knowing the Empire's imminent arrival, Bloodhawk and the group infiltrated the repair dock where their ship was located and successfully regained control. Nevertheless, an Imperial cutter approached their position, and the group discovered that the ship's engines had been sabotaged. Bloodhawk and H2-1B4 worked to repair the ship while the spacers engaged in a firefight with Imperial troops outside. Ultimately, the ship was repaired and launched, pursued by the cutter. The spacers then attempted to engage the ship's hyperdrive, only to find it inoperable.

Later, Bloodhawk captained the Capri Nitari, a smuggler vessel crewed by herself, Haynes, and Shandar. Following a successful Kessel Run, they spent one and a half weeks on the planet Mandrine, frequenting local bars. While intoxicated at Maizie's, Bloodhawk inadvertently entered the neighboring booth and encountered Kelly Vermillion, a HumanOrlak hybrid mercenary. That same night, she witnessed Kronus and his henchmen enter the bar, instigating a brawl. Bloodhawk and her crew retreated to a safe distance, observing as Tyric, a Shaliz'Na who had been playing the synthesizer, diverted Kronus' attention to protect the patrons. One of Kronus' followers produced a thermal detonator and was quickly killed by an unknown assailant, but Tyric seized the thermal detonator and used it to eliminate Kronus.

Bloodhawk also encountered Nana, a Homanan shapeshifter and member of Vermillion's crew. Nana had previously disguised herself as a Wookiee and had been investigating the Capri Nitari. When Bloodhawk questioned Vermillion about the Wookiee, she was surprised to learn that it had been Nana all along. Later, Bloodhawk was present at a Rebel base when "Red", a Proliferan—an intelligent ant-like creature—arrived seeking excitement and joined Vermillion's crew. Bloodhawk monitored the group's activities as they worked for the Alliance to Restore the Republic but resolved to avoid direct involvement. On another visit to Maizie's, Bloodhawk met with Justice, a bounty hunter, and his "pet," Truth.

Personality and traits

Bloodhawk was known for her willingness to invest in crucial tasks, notably the maintenance of landing beacons. She was also a reliable and trusted friend.

Being a known sympathizer, the Alliance trusted Bloodhawk with the location of one of their bases. She also maintained a log of her experiences, and was known to enjoy alcoholic beverages.

