The Shaliz'Na were a sentient species that originated on the planet known as Shar'Ack. These beings possessed sizable wings, with some boasting wingspans extending to 12 foot, and their bodies featured a soft, delicate down covering. Art, in all its forms, held immense value for the Shaliz'na, encompassing music, sculptures, and paintings. Notably, this species struggled with an addiction to alcohol, a weakness exploited when the Galactic Empire subjugated their world, leading to stringent control over liquor distribution. Driven by the desire to overcome their addiction, certain Shaliz'na departed from their homeworld; the musician named Tyric was one such individual, who ultimately aligned himself with the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Empire.
As a sentient species, the Shaliz'Na were characterized by their large, feathered wings. Their physique was muscular, and their bodies were adorned with a light down. Their facial features bore a resemblance to those of Humans, and at least some Shaliz'Na possessed black hair on their heads. Certain individuals allowed this down to grow to shoulder length, securing it with a patterned headband. Their fingernails resembled talons, yet they retained sufficient dexterity to operate a synthesizer. The Shaliz'Na known as Tyric stood at a height of 2.14 meters, with a wingspan reaching 12 foot.
The Shaliz'Na were a race of skilled artisans who placed the highest importance on artistic creations of every kind. Individuals like Tyric demonstrated a willingness to take considerable personal risks to safeguard what they considered to be art. During his travels off-world, Tyric would even accept sculptures, paintings, and other decorative items as payment in lieu of credits. In contrast to the widespread use of laser technology throughout the galaxy, the Shaliz'Na developed weapons powered by chemical propellants, including slugthrowers and mini-submachineguns. Their attire included items such as open shirts, featuring short sleeves embellished with hanging tassels, along with pants, belts, and headbands displaying intricate patterns.
The Shaliz'Na suffered from an addiction to alcohol, and the Galactic Empire enslaved their world. By maintaining exclusive control over the production and importation of all liquor to the planet, the Empire effectively exerted its dominance over the native population.
The Shaliz'Na evolved on Shar'Ack, a planet situated within the Shar'Ack system of the Atrivis sector. This species developed a dependence on alcohol. When the Galactic Empire conquered their forested homeworld and enslaved the Shaliz'Na, the availability of alcohol was severely restricted. This situation prompted some members of the species to leave their planet in an effort to overcome their alcoholism. The musician Tyric was one such traveler, dedicating himself to travel and music as a means of breaking free from his addiction. He received support from Kelly Vermillion, who was of half-Human and half-Orlak descent. Together with two other individuals, they formed the crew of the starship known as the Menagerie. This group joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, making significant contributions to the resistance movement. Within this supportive environment, Tyric eventually conquered his alcoholism.
Joe Littrell conceived of the Shaliz'Na for his article, The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion, which appeared in Polyhedron 59. Andrew Ellis was commissioned to create an illustration to accompany the article; however, due to space limitations, it was instead published as part of The Living Galaxy: Flawed Gems Shine The Brightest in Polyhedron 63. Because Polyhedron magazine was not affiliated with LucasBooks at the time, the canon status of this material remains uncertain. In 2009, the species' home star system was mentioned in the appendix of The Essential Atlas; however, according to [Jason Fry](/article/jason_fry], "its inclusion shouldn't be interpreted as an endorsement of canonicity for anything beyond the geographical information."
- " The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion " — Polyhedron 59 (First appearance) (Unlicensed)
- " The Living Galaxy: Flawed Gems Shine The Brightest " — Polyhedron 63 (Picture only) (Unlicensed)