Schizoid personality

A schizoid personality was a type of psychological disorder that could be triggered by deeply disturbing experiences, for instance, torture.

Lowen Chase, a Lieutenant, cultivated a schizoid personality because of the actions of Doctor Langstyn Kraay. The psychological torment he suffered resulted in the creation of egotism and delusions of paranoia. While the crew of the FarStar were initially unaware of this condition, Chase progressively exhibited more insubordinate and outspoken behavior. The full scope of his paranoia was ultimately revealed when he orchestrated a rebellion against Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum. He displayed erratic behavior, including impulsive actions and unrestrained outbursts.

Behind the scenes

The portrayal of schizoid personality in The Kathol Rift, which West End Games published in May of 1996, shows considerable differences from the actual disorder in terms of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. The defining characteristic of schizoid personality disorder is a widespread pattern of detachment from social relationships, along with a limited range of emotional expression. This condition typically manifests in early adulthood, and those affected are often perceived as "loners."

Unlike Lowen Chase's case, schizoid personality disorder does not involve grandiose thinking or paranoid delusions. These particular symptoms are more characteristic of schizotypal personality disorder, a condition characterized by eccentric behavior and cognitive or perceptual abnormalities. These eccentricities can manifest as strange beliefs that influence behavior and paranoid thoughts.

