The Seat of The Empire represented a specific sector of realspace situated within the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Functioning as a key astrographical and political hub for the re-established Sith Empire in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War, this region encompassed various smaller sectors within its boundaries. Its location was in the northeastern part of the galaxy, sharing a border with Hutt Space along its southeastern edge. Among the sectors contained within this area were the Esstran sector and the Ojoster sector. This region was the original home of the Rakghoul mutants from Taris, the original Sith species originating from Korriban, and the hybridized descendants of these Sith. Species that migrated to the area included Humans, Chiss, and Epicanthix, alongside a multitude of other sentients brought in through the Sith's slave operations.
The Seat of The Empire's expansion began with the Empire's efforts to rebuild after the Hyperspace War, but its size and significance dramatically increased after 3681 BBY. It was then that the Empire revealed its presence to the wider galaxy and initiated a campaign of conquest originating from this region. Following the Great Galactic War, the Sith-dominated Seat of the Empire became recognized as one of the five primary areas of activity during the Cold War between the Empire and the Galactic Republic. This was because it housed Korriban, the Sith's sacred world, Dromund Kaas, their capital planet, and Taris, a planet of symbolic importance.