
Selitan, found in the Selitan system, was a planet. This celestial body resided within the Loop Worlds region of the Gordian Reach sector, a part of the Trans-Hydian section of the Outer Rim Territories. The Junction-Tierell Loop hyperlane provided a connection between Selitan and the Pinoora and Tertiary Feswe systems.

The planet Selitan was a hub for mining operations, largely dominated by corporations originating from Hynah in the Kalamith sector. Cantinas and sportsplexes were common sights, and miners from Selitan often sought leisure and recreation on Junction, a [trade](/article/merchant/legends] world located in the Thesme sector.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Essential Atlas, released in 2009 and written by Daniel Wallace together with Jason Fry, first presented Selitan, locating it within grid coordinate P-6.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
