Sendak served as a communications officer for the Rebel Alliance. He was positioned at the Alliance's Echo Base, which was located on the planet of Hoth. In 3 ABY, during the Galactic Empire's attack against Echo Base, Sendak found himself in the living quarters along with other personnel. At this time, Chase Wilsorr, a kitchen worker, arrived to assist any remaining individuals. Following the announcement that the GR-75 medium transport, known as the Bright Hope, would be departing in just ten minutes, the base's lights went out. Sendak then emphasized the officer's inability to navigate the hallways. Wilsorr suggested that the group of personnel should follow him, and he successfully led them to the Bright Hope. Subsequently, after the kitchen worker aided a tauntaun handler in reaching the transport, the passengers applauded Wilsorr. Shortly after, the Bright Hope departed, escaping Hoth.
The short story "A Good Kiss," penned by C.B. Lee, featured Sendak. This story was included in the 2020 collection of short stories titled From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back.