"A Good Kiss" is a brief narrative featured within the pages of From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, a compilation released in 2020. C.B. Lee is the author of this tale, which primarily centers around the character of Chase Wilsorr. The audiobook rendition of the story is narrated by Sean Kenin Elias-Reyes.
Chase Wilsorr, employed as a kitchen boy and courier for the Rebel Alliance, is plagued by feelings of inadequacy and solitude, yearning for a role that he deems "truly important". He believes he isn't contributing to the Rebel Alliance to the best of his abilities. Consequently, he submits repeated requests to Major Bren Derlin for sentry duty, which are consistently rejected due to his subpar performance within the Alliance Corps of Engineers. Disheartened, Wilsorr continues his routine deliveries of caf, food, and vital information to individuals confined to their respective posts.
Notably, he delivers caf to Jordan Smythe, a youthful rebel working at the tauntaun enclosures. Smythe immediately expresses gratitude and praises Wilsorr's efforts, but Wilsorr dismisses the compliment. Smythe insists on the sincerity of his praise, asserting that no one else could have performed the task as well. Wilsorr, however, disagrees, deeming the task simple and confessing his feelings of insignificance. He voices his frustration, believing he is capable of handling a blaster. Smythe playfully challenges him, tossing a blaster and revealing Chase's lack of skill, before they both return to their duties.
The following day, Wilsorr delivers a holoprojector and bantha milk to the command center for Toryn Farr, a rebel who commanded the ion cannon. Farr's welcoming demeanor makes Wilsorr feel like a valued member of the Alliance until he attempts to speak with General Carlist Rieekan, who dismisses his request for sentry duty and instead assigns him to move supply crates, where he becomes the target of mockery from other rebels.
Subsequently, Smythe attempts to uplift Wilsorr's spirits, assuring him that he is valuable as he is. Wilsorr then shifts the conversation, noticing Smythe's lack of a jacket and questioning how he isn't cold. Smythe explains that moving all of the ice fungus made him hot, then placing his hands on Chase's shoulders and asking him if he was cold, playfully calling him a "Yavin baby." Chase's awkwardness is amplified by his flustered attempts to answer Jordan's questions, causing him to retreat back to his work.
While on duty, Wilsorr observes a flirtatious exchange between Han Solo and Leia Organa, which intensifies his feelings of annoyance, jealousy, and a longing for love. In response to Solo's parting remark to the princess, suggesting she could "use a good kiss," Wilsorr reflects that he too could benefit from such an experience.
As the Galactic Empire launches its attack and the Battle of Hoth erupts, Wilsorr guides Harlize Dana, a fellow kitchen employee, through a quicker route out of the kitchens and towards the main hangar bay, where Echo Base personnel are boarding transports and starfighters. Wilsorr hesitates to board the transport, searching for Smythe amidst the crowd. Upon learning of a cave-in that has trapped Doctor Tristan Melthabi and several other staff members, preventing them from reaching the transports, Wilsorr, leveraging his extensive knowledge of the base's tunnels gained from his runner position, volunteers to find an alternative route for their escape.
Wilsorr successfully locates and rescues not only the doctor but also three [soldiers](/article/soldier], two communications officers, and a group of refugees. With the base's power supply severed, Wilsorr navigates the group through the darkened tunnels, leading them to the GR-75 medium transport Bright Hope. However, Smythe remains missing, prompting Wilsorr to search for him at the tauntaun pens, where he stubbornly remains with the tauntaun Sunshine, prepared to assist anyone in need of combat. The two traverse the tunnels on Sunshine, guided by Wilsorr's navigation. Upon reaching the hangar, which is obstructed by a cave-in, Wilsorr utilizes his knack for sabotaging weapons, causing Jordan's blaster to malfunction and explode, creating a passage for them to reach the Bright Hope just before its departure.
Chase and Smythe share a kiss in the concluding moments, leading Wilsorr to realize that he has always possessed the capacity to be significant and that his role as a runner was among the most valuable, enabling him to save numerous lives.