Toryn Farr

Toryn Farr was a female human who served the Rebel Alliance as a communications officer during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Along with her sister Samoc Farr, Toryn became a member of the Rebellion when she was young, and both sisters excelled in their respective fields. Three years after the Battle of Yavin, she found herself stationed at Echo Base on the planet of Hoth, where her duty involved observing unusual activity in Hoth's atmosphere. On one occasion, Farr participated in a wager, betting that Han Solo would fail in his attempts to win over Princess Leia Organa. During one of her shifts, Farr detected a signal she initially believed to be from a Star Destroyer, but the vessel continued on its course, bypassing Hoth entirely.

When the Galactic Empire located the Rebel base, she took charge of the defense and supervised the evacuation of the planet from the command center. As the Quantum Storm, the first Alliance transport to prepare for departure, Farr coordinated with ion control and calculated the necessary trajectory for a covering fire to protect the transport. She watched with satisfaction as the Star Destroyer Tyrant was rendered inoperable, allowing the Quantum Storm to escape. Farr was forced to witness her friend Sunsbringer suffer injuries and be evacuated, but she chose to remain in the command room to assist the remaining transports in their escape. She observed Princess Leia entering the room and informed her that she was supposed to have been evacuated already, but Organa retorted that Farr should have evacuated as well. Soon after, Solo arrived to assist Organa in leaving, and the Princess instructed Commander Chiffonage to utilize the last operational comm station to issue the order for a complete evacuation. Farr observed as Chiffonage directed all troops from Sector Twelve to the southern slope.

Subsequently, Farr raced to board the final transport and successfully evacuated Hoth aboard the Bright Hope, which was the last transport to depart before Imperial forces overran the base. Upon exiting the ship, she encountered her sister, who was injured but alive, and embraced her gratefully as they departed the planet.

Behind the scenes

Toryn Farr's debut was in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Brigitte Kahn played her in the film.

