Within the Futhork calligraphy of Naboo, a planet, existed a legend featuring a male character called Set, who was the immortal beloved of Veré. In 22 BBY, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Padawan, and Padmé Amidala, a Republic Senator, adopted these names as pseudonyms. The pair utilized these ancient names to [anonymously marry](/article/wedding_of_anakin_skywalker_and_padm%c3%a9_amidala/legends], keeping even their Pontifex Maxiron Agolerga in the dark about their true identities. Agolerga, who wed "Set" and "Veré" in a private ceremony, was instructed to keep the event secret, ensuring that the only record of the brief service would be a scroll stored within the archives of his Brotherhood. Eventually, Agolerga discovered their real identities and subsequently informed Amidala's niece, Pooja Naberrie, about the marriage.
Writing under the pseudonym "Sompeetalay," Tim Veekhoven originated the character of Set for Maxiron Agolerga's Databank entry through the What's The Story? feature of StarWars.com's Hyperspace. This entry was composed in February 2007 and went live in early 2008. The eternal lovers concept was inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's renowned work, The Tale of Beren and Lúthien, which narrates the love story between Beren, a mortal man, and Lúthien, an Elf-maiden. Veekhoven's choice for Set's name was influenced by the Egyptian god Set.