
Veré is a female figure within a myth concerning Naboo's Futhork calligraphy on the planet, depicted as being eternally in love with a male figure named Set. In the year 22 BBY, Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala together with Jedi Anakin Skywalker both took on the names "Veré" and "Set" respectively, using them as secret identities in order to join in matrimony discreetly.

The aforementioned lovers then introduced themselves as such to Pontifex Maxiron Agolerga of the Brotherhood of Cognizance. He then presided over their wedding ceremony at the Varykino estate found on Naboo, with the couple's droids, specifically C-3PO and R2-D2, present. "Set" then instructed Agolerga to keep the ceremony a secret through the use of a mind trick, ensuring that the only documentation of the brief event existed as a scroll archived by his Brotherhood. Later, after the holyman discovered the couple's true identities, he informed Amidala's niece, Pooja Naberrie, about the marriage.

Behind the scenes

The character of Veré was conceived by Tim Veekhoven, who wrote under the alias "Sompeetalay," for the Databank entry of Maxiron Agolerga, as part of the What's The Story? feature on found within Hyperspace. The entry was composed in February of 2007 and then released in the early part of 2008. The concept of eternal lovers was inspired by the tale "Of Beren and Lúthien" by author J. R. R. Tolkien's, which tells of the romance between Beren, a mortal man, and Lúthien, an Elf-maiden. Veekhoven mentioned that "Veré" was a typical Naboo name and that Maxiron Agolerga was content to officiate the wedding, unconcerned by the couple's use of aliases.


  • "They were the chosen ones" — Sompeetalay's Source Blog — Tim Veekhoven's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Agolerga, Pontifex Maxiron in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
