Settle the Outer Rim

Settle the Outer Rim represents a piece of persuasive artwork in the form of a poster, designed as propaganda. It was commissioned for the Republic Ministry of Economic Development and its creation is attributed to an unknown artist working under Eleven Star Marketing. This marketing company, based on Cato Neimoidia, maintained connections with the Trade Federation. The poster's design sought to ignite a sense of adventure and intrigue in viewers, with the intention of drawing settlers to the Outer Rim. It features a couple poised to traverse a rocky archway situated on a desert planet illuminated by two suns. Prominently displayed in the upper left corner are the words "The OUTER RIM Begin Again In A Golden Land of Opportunity" in large font. The lower left corner contains the phrase "Republic incentives for the brave and hardy! New colonies and adventures await!" accompanied by the Galactic Republic's logo positioned directly beneath. Both textual elements are presented using the High Galactic alphabet.

This particular marketing initiative stemmed from a collaborative agreement between Republic politicians and lobbyists representing the Trade Federation. The central aim was to stimulate colonization efforts within the Outer Rim, with the intention of directing colonists toward hyperspace routes under the Federation's jurisdiction. Consequently, colonists traversing these routes would be obligated to pay Federation-imposed tariffs and registration fees.

Following the revelation of Eleven Star Marketing's affiliations with the Federation, Republic politicians who had previously engaged with Federation lobbyists characterized the resulting administrative overlap as "inevitable."

Behind the scenes

Settle the Outer Rim exists as an artwork within the fictional universe and is featured in the canon artbook titled Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy. The illustration was created by Russell Walks.


  • Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy (First mentioned)

Notes and references
