During the Clone Wars era, within the realm of Legends, an ARC trooper found himself serving under the command of Sev, the Jedi General of the Weequay species. As the conflict approached its final year, this clone trooper accompanied Master Sev and his Padawan, Joc Sah, to the Outer Rim planet of Ragmar V. This world was considered a crucial strategic point for the Republic's planned offensive against a Separatist stronghold. After Sev deployed Sah to the planet's surface with the mission of securing a base for the Republic forces, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued the ARC trooper an order: execute Order 66. This directive labeled all Jedi Knights as enemies of the Republic. Without hesitation, the commando and his fellow soldiers killed Sev, descended to the planet's surface, and attacked the village where Sah and his newfound allies, the outcasts, were located.
This clone trooper, a clone derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, was created on the planet of Kamino. As an Advanced Recon Commando, his training was geared towards service within the ranks of the Galactic Republic. With the initiation of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the ARC trooper became a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and was eventually placed under the leadership of Jedi General Sev.

During the year 19 BBY, marking the war's conclusion, the ARC trooper journeyed alongside Sev and his Padawan, Joc Sah, to the Outer Rim planet Ragmar V. The Republic considered Ragmar V a key strategic planet, essential for launching an attack on a Confederate installation. While the Jedi Master dispatched Sah and a squad of soldiers to the planet's surface to establish a Republic base, the clone remained on Sev's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Shortly after the exchange between Sev and Sah, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine contacted the commando and instructed him to initiate Order 66. This order designated all Jedi Knights as traitors to the Republic, commanding their death, including Sev. Consequently, the ARC trooper and the other clones on the Star Destroyer's bridge turned on Sev, eliminating the Weequay Jedi Master. Following Sev's assassination, the ARC trooper led a group of clones to the planet's surface and attacked the village inhabited by Sah and Gaan, the settlement's leader. Despite the assault, both the Jedi and the village leader survived and launched a series of guerilla attacks against the ARC trooper's forces.
Having received personal training from Jango Fett, the ARC trooper embodied the Mandalorian's ruthless and efficient nature. His training emphasized self-sufficiency, yet he remained bound by duty. Like most clone troopers, the commando was bred to display unwavering loyalty to the Republic and obey orders from superior officers. It was this loyalty that drove him to execute Order 66 without hesitation, successfully eliminating Sev. Furthermore, the ARC trooper took it upon himself to personally lead a detachment of soldiers with the goal of eliminating Joc Sah.
The ARC trooper's Phase I class armor featured yellow markings, along with a blast-dampening kama and a rank-indicating pauldron. His primary weapon during combat was a DC-15A rifle.
The ARC trooper made his debut in the short story The Order of Outcasts, one of four comics included in the fifth volume of the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures trade paperbacks. Matt Jacobs created the character, with Matthew and Shawn Fillbach providing the artwork. In 2008, Hasbro released an action figure set featuring both the ARC trooper and Sev as part of the second wave of the Order 66 subset within its 30th Anniversary Collection.