Shaelas was a Selkath male of the Legends continuity who existed during the era of the Jedi Civil War. Shasa was his daughter. Following the disappearance of Shasa, along with several other young Selkath, Shaelas requested an investigation from Revan. Revan returned with information about the Sith's plans to corrupt the youth of the planet, as well as the news that Shasa had abandoned the ways of the Sith. As a reward, Shaelas offered Revan 500 credits.
Shasa was the daughter of Shaelas, and at some point she vanished. The truth was that an Iridonian mercenary, paid by the Sith, had lured her to the Sith Embassy along with other promising Selkath youths. Shaelas harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Sith, stemming from their disregard for Selkath laws, and he suspected their interest in controlling all the Kolto. He couldn't ignore the correlation between the Sith's arrival and the disappearance of the Selkath youth. He was unable to convince the Republic to investigate, as the Sith were closely monitoring them. Furthermore, the authorities of Ahto City refused to take action without concrete proof.
As fate would have it, Shaelas sought the help of Revan, the amnesiac former Sith Lord operating under a new identity, knowing that Revan's allegiance lay with the Republic. He proposed a payment of 500 credits to Revan in exchange for uncovering the fate of his daughter.
After agreeing to aid the Selkath, Revan initiated inquiries regarding the missing Selkath youth. Through the Iridonian mercenary, he discovered that the Sith were responsible and were holding them for training. Revan relayed this information to Shaelas, who acknowledged that Revan might need to infiltrate the Sith Embassy, even though it would violate Selkath laws. Shaelas warned that if Revan were captured or killed, he would have to deny any knowledge of his actions.
With assistance from Roland Wann, the head of the Republic embassy who provided methods to enter the Embassy for an unrelated mission, Revan infiltrated the Sith Embassy. Upon locating Shasa, Revan discovered that she was being indoctrinated with Sith teachings and manipulated in an attempt to transform Manaan into a Sith-controlled puppet government. Upon learning the truth, Shasa rejected the Sith teachings and departed from the Embassy. However, upon exiting the base, Revan was apprehended by Selkath authorities for trespassing in the Sith Embassy. Revan was able to prove his innocence by revealing the Sith's plot to corrupt the planet's youth, which was documented within the Sith Embassy.
Revan conveyed this information to Shaelas, assuring him that Shasa had left the Sith Embassy. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Shaelas offered Revan the agreed-upon five hundred credits. However, Revan declined the payment, stating that a Jedi had no need for such rewards. Shaelas was astonished by this act and considered Revan to be the most honorable human he had ever encountered. Subsequently, Shaelas departed to testify before the Selkath courts, sharing the facts he had learned regarding the Sith's schemes.