The Shirb system, a star system, was situated within the Ciutric sector. This sector is a region found in the New Territories part of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet New Holgha was located in this system, which itself was positioned on the Celanon Spur hyperlane connecting the Vinsoth and Shaum Hii systems.
New Holgha suffered an attack by the Yuuzhan Vong three months after their invasion of the galaxy commenced in 25 ABY. Boba Fett, who was the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors, journeyed to the Shirb system feigning support for the Yuuzhan Vong's planetary conquest. However, he betrayed the invaders and encountered Jedi Knight Kubariet. Fett recruited Kubariet to secretly transmit intelligence to the New Republic after their failure to defend the world. Consequently, the Yuuzhan Vong empire gained control of the system.
The e-novella Boba Fett: A Practical Man by Karen Traviss, released in 2006, marked the initial appearance of the Shirb system. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, identified the system's location as grid square N-5.