
Operating from the planet of Kluistar, Sibarra the Hutt secretly orchestrated the operations of the Ace of Sabres. His illicit activities spanned a wide range, including smuggling, bribery, slavery, counterfeiting, black market dealings, data manipulation, and the trade of stolen intelligence.


Being an outcast from Hutt society, Sibarra harbored a deep-seated animosity towards all other members of the Hutt species.

Sibarra leveraged the Ace of Sabres casino not only as a cover for his extensive criminal network but also to attract new opportunities through its allure. He extended complimentary stays to influential figures from royalty, corporations, and the Galactic Empire, subsequently exploiting their gambling habits to exert control over these VIPs. The Ace of Sabres was equipped with comprehensive surveillance systems, and Sibarra utilized the gathered information for bribery and blackmail. Moreover, he enticed attractive guests with complimentary wilderness excursions, only to sell them into enslavement.

Personality and traits

Many people considered Sibarra to be mentally unstable, with the theory that his implants and prosthetics might have contributed to mental health issues. His temperament was highly erratic, characterized by sudden outbursts of anger. He made a deliberate effort to antagonize his rivals, which frequently led to a multitude of problems. He relished the looks of disgust and revulsion that his appearance elicited, and he firmly believed that fear was the only effective means of leadership.

Skills and abilities

The foundation of Sibarra's power and influence was his expansive criminal organization. He possessed expertise in managing both the legitimate and illegitimate facets of his financial empire, along with the capacity to negotiate, deceive, or intimidate individuals who were brought before him.


As a result of prior injuries, Sibarra had undergone numerous cybernetic augmentations. These included a CyTac Shock-Spike tail, a CyTac cyber-claw hand, and a Neuro-Saav enhanced eye. The tail posed a particular hazard when he was enraged, resulting in the deaths of numerous innocent bystanders who were caught in the path of his sudden fits of fury. For his personal transportation, he utilized a Nimbus Rider 2000.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived Sibarra the Hutt for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1997.

His character was created to serve as the criminal mastermind at the heart of the Ace of Sabres, responsible for the dangers and corruption that the player characters might encounter within the casino.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (Initial Mention)

Notes and references
