Sif-Alulan process

The Sif-Alulan procedure was a technological method utilized within the pulse-wave blasters found in Waymancy Hollow. The Sisters of the Machinesmith invented it during the Subterra Period. The Galactic Republic gave it its name, based on the large quantity of weapons employing the procedure that were discovered at Sif-Alula in the wake of the Waymancy Storm.

Weapons from Waymancy, which incorporated this procedure, possessed considerably greater power than any weapon the Republic had at the time. Only after the Republic successfully reverse-engineered the procedure within a shipyard located in the Axum system were they capable of deploying comparable weaponry and ultimately securing victory in the conflict. Subsequent to the Waymancy Storm, the Verpine master artisan Lyns Skutroo enhanced the Sif-Alulan procedure, leading to the creation of the squintpipe process. Thanks to Skutroo's advancements, rapid-firing turbolasers became a common feature in defensive systems throughout the galaxy.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 4: The Rise of the Republic on (article) (backup link)
