Lyns Skutroo

Lyns Skutroo, a Verpine of master crafting ability, hailed from the era after the Waymancy Storm, a war in 7811 BBY that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Signatories of Waymancy; more information on the Verpine can be found here. During the 7700s BBY, Skutroo revealed the squintpipe process, a technique designed to enhance the power generators found on starships.

The squintpipe process represented the peak of efforts that began during the Waymancy Storm. Republic technologists, working at a shipyard in Axum, sought to understand the Sif-Alulan process. This process was employed by the Sisters of the Machinesmith to create the Signatories of Waymancy's sophisticated military technology. Skutroo's development of the squintpipe process resulted in enhanced energy weapons and a subsequent boom in warship building throughout the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

Lyns Skutroo's debut occurred in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference work penned by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
