The Signatories of Waymancy comprised a militant group that opposed the Galactic Republic during the Waymancy Storm around 7811 BBY. This war began after the Republic's initial encounter with warships from the Waymancy Hollow area, where the Sisters of the Machinesmith had been analyzing and upgrading Republic technology. Driven by extreme beliefs and a desire for territorial purity, coupled with their technological advantage, the Signatories of Waymancy targeted both the Republic's military forces and civilian populations in the Northern Dependencies, resulting in significant losses. Ultimately, the Republic managed to shift the war's momentum and secure a decisive victory against the Signatories.

The Signatories of Waymancy adopted their designation from the Waymancy system located in the Inner Rim's region, the Waymancy Hollow, and the artifact known as the Waymancy bridal seat. The Signatories of Waymancy's allied forces included the armadas belonging to the Wives of Tingrippa, the mercenary army of Whirl-Point-Six, a Neshtabine nest situated on the planet Tantara, and at least one raider hailing from the world of Doshan and a single thug from the planet Muzara.
According to a subsequent assessment by Supreme Chancellor Nagratha of the Galactic Republic, the core ideologies of the Signatories' members encompassed fanaticism, territorial cleansing, and the "cold logic of machinery." While the Republic armed forces demonstrated considerable resolve in their struggle against the Signatories of Waymancy during the Waymancy Storm, and even possessed a hundred-to-one numerical advantage, the Signatories held a crucial advantage due to their advanced technology. This included warships capable of greater speed and range than their Republic counterparts, as well as energy shields and pulse-wave weaponry – both starship-based and personal-scale – that surpassed the Republic's military equipment.
For a millennium leading up to 7811 BBY, the Sisters of the Machinesmith in the Waymancy Hollow had been examining and refining the Galactic Republic's technology. In that year, the Republic's initial contact with warships linked to the Waymancy Hollow proved disastrous. This encounter triggered the Waymancy Storm, a conflict fought between the Republic and the Signatories of Waymancy across multiple star systems within the Northern Dependencies region of the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region.

During the Waymancy Storm, the Signatories of Waymancy directed their attacks toward both the Republic's military and its civilian colonists, at one point causing the deaths of ten million settlers on the astronomical object Upper Brightday. As the war continued, the Signatories' actions grew increasingly bloodier. However, the Republic's fortunes eventually improved due to the intensive efforts of its spies and codebreakers in deciphering intercepted data, coupled with scientific breakthroughs by technologists at a Republic shipyard on the planet Axum, who worked to reverse-engineer captured Waymancy technology.
Equipped with enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities, the Republic forces routed the Tantara nest and destroyed the Clowse Glowstack located on the celestial body Mittoblade, ultimately reducing the Waymancy bridal seat to a hyperspace sinkhole and achieving overall victory in the conflict. During a speech commemorating the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm in 7786 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Nagratha briefly recounted the history of the conflict, characterizing the Signatories of Waymancy as "tyrants absent of conscience" and a force of evil due to their targeting of civilians. Nagratha also described the war as a "necessary" undertaking to halt the Signatories' actions.
The Signatories of Waymancy were initially intended to be featured in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. However, the section that would have included the faction, written by Daniel Wallace, was removed prior to the book's publication. The information regarding the Signatories of Waymancy was subsequently released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare.