
Doshan, a world within the Drannik sector, existed as an Expansion Region locale. It was known as the homeworld of the Doshan blood worms. During the Waymancy Storm event, a Doshan raider inflicted injuries upon Chief Sergeant Saens Sukko of the Galactic Republic during a mission to collapse the Clowse Glowstack structure. Subsequently, under the reign of the Galactic Empire, Trandoshans launched an assault on Imperial colonists residing on Doshan. This prompted the Empire's 501st Legion to execute an operation on the planet, which included an attack targeting a Trandoshan settlement situated near the Arakka waterway. Doshan eventually gained membership in the New Republic.


Within the Doshan system resided Doshan, a terrestrial world. It was situated in the Drannik sector of the Expansion Region's, specifically within the Outer Expansion Zone sub-region and the Northern Dependencies area. An equatorial landmass characterized its surface. This planet served as the home of the Doshan blood worms, and algae mats were a feature of the Arakka waterway.


Back in 7811 BBY, during the Waymancy Storm, a Doshan raider found themselves on Mittoblade, the location of the Clowse Glowstack structure linked to the Signatories of Waymancy faction. Galactic Republic operatives, among them Chief Sergeant Saens Sukko, ascended the magnetic cliff where the Clowse Glowstack stood. They ultimately achieved the collapsing of the structure, but Sukko sustained the loss of his legs due to the raider's actions. Supreme Chancellor Nagratha of the Republic later acknowledged this event during a speech commemorating the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm in 7786 BBY.

The Galactic Empire's 501st Legion (the unit's stormtroopers pictured in the foreground) saw action on Doshan.

When the Galactic Empire was under the reign of Emperor Palpatine, he gave the go-ahead for Imperial colonists to settle on Doshan. These settlers then faced an attack from a group of Trandoshans. The 501st Legion of Imperial stormtroopers was then deployed to Doshan and took control of key strategic points across the planet's equatorial landmass.

In one particular battle, the legion's Negastrike platoon destroyed a fortified Trandoshan nest situated at the opening of the Arakka. The platoon also killed over a hundred members of the species who had been firing from beneath the cover of the waterway's algae mats. This was achieved by incinerating the algae, which resulted in the Trandoshans being boiled alive. This attack on the nest was later mentioned in a mission report featured in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, an Imperial Military manual released in 0 BBY. Doshan was within the boundaries of the New Republic between 12 ABY and 13 ABY.


During the time of the Galactic Empire, an Imperial colony was established on Doshan. Over one hundred Trandoshan combatants also engaged in conflict against the colonists on this world.


The Arakka waterway was located on Doshan, and at one point during the Galactic Empire's reign, a fortified nest of Trandoshan fighters was situated near its mouth.

Behind the scenes

Doshan's name was first mentioned in The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: The Way of the Jedi.

The name Doshan was first brought to light through a reference to the Doshan blood worm in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny choose-your-own-adventure book, The Way of the Jedi, penned by Jake Forbes. This name was then used to designate a galactic location in the 2012 reference book, The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. A section of the book that would have included a mention of Doshan was cut before the work's release. That section was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare.

The Online Companion for the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, positioned the Doshan system, and consequently Doshan itself, in grid square K-8. Doshan was ultimately characterized as a world in the 2014 reference book, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, by Daniel Wallace.

