Signal scrambler

A signal scrambler affixed to a stone outcropping on Arda I
Signal scramblers functioned as tools that obstructed the tracing of transmission origins within a specified zone.

To conceal his base located on the planet Voss, the Sith Lord named Fulminiss employed a number of these devices.

Back in 32 BBY, just seven days prior to the Boonta Eve Classic, Anakin Skywalker fabricated and then presented a signal scrambler unit to Pala Kwi'teksa, his comrade, with the intention of shielding her from Gardulla the Hutt. Both children had plotted together to liberate several Ghostling children, whom Gardulla had abducted with the aim of utilizing them as decorations within her infamous and opulent pleasure garden.

The LAVr QH-7 Chariot built by Uulshos Manufacturing incorporated an advanced signal scrambler as a component of its communications bay, which encoded outgoing transmissions. These signals were designed to be unreadable and impossible to intercept. Security scanners also utilized scramblers to obscure communications from the unit to recording devices in close proximity.

