Sinan Mat, a member of the Yuuzhan Vong's warrior caste, held the rank of field commander. In 26 ABY, he received orders to venture into the jungles of Yavin 4. His mission: to locate and capture Jedi fugitives who had managed to escape the destruction of the Jedi Praxeum. After Anakin Solo, the young Jedi, shot down a tsik vai scout ship over the forests, Mat picked up his trail. Sinan Mat then directed his warriors in an extensive search, with explicit instructions to capture the Jedi upon encountering him.
Unfortunately for the commander, Solo possessed superior powers and a connection with the jungles of Yavin 4, giving him a considerable edge when Sinan Mat and his group finally caught up. After wounding the young Human, Mat prepared to return Solo to the Yuuzhan Vong base. However, Solo used the Force to summon a swarm of piranha beetles, which descended upon Mat and his warriors, rapidly consuming their flesh.
Sinan Mat, born into the warrior caste, had achieved the position of field commander by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. During the invasion of Yavin 4 in 26 ABY, Mat served under Commander Tsaak Vootuh. Vootuh had overseen the destruction of the Jedi Praxeum and the establishment of a Yuuzhan Vong base on the planet's surface. While the shapers captured one Jedi, Tahiri Veila, to be twisted to the Yuuzhan Vong's purposes, Anakin Solo escaped the Peace Brigade forces that initially attacked the planet. He remained active in the wilderness surrounding the Yuuzhan Vong base.
After the Jedi destroyed a tsik vai with his lightsaber, Sinan Mat and numerous other warriors were sent into the dense jungles to find and capture Solo, with the intention of returning him to the shapers. The field commander initiated a search pattern that expanded methodically from the wreckage of the downed tsik vai. He led a large group of warriors, who split into pairs, manned tsik vai, or ventured out alone to locate the Jedi. Three days after the tsik vai's destruction, Solo was spotted approximately twenty kilometers from the base. Sinan Mat and his warriors moved in to apprehend the Jedi. Although Solo managed to disable several lone warriors, Mat struck the Jedi in the back with a nang hul, causing the young Human to fall to the forest floor. Sinan Mat and the other warriors quickly surrounded the downed Jedi, preparing to take him back to the damuteks. Wielding a tizowyrm, Mat expressed his respect for the Jedi in Basic, and reluctantly declined a duel with Solo, mindful of his orders to bring the fugitive back alive.
During their conversation, Solo used the Force to summon a swarm of piranha beetles that had been feeding in the jungle. Distracted by the tizowyrm's failure to translate the word "forgive," Mat and his warriors were caught off guard by the arrival of the deadly beetles. The ravenous swarm instantly devoured the field commander's face, leading to his swift demise.
Despite showing respect for Anakin Solo's abilities as a warrior, Field Commander Mat understood the importance of following the shapers' orders. Therefore, he resisted the temptation of a duel. He also expressed regret over the manner in which Solo was incapacitated, believing that close-quarters combat would have been a more honorable method than using a nang hul.
Sinan Mat makes a short appearance in The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest by Greg Keyes, where he is killed shortly after his introduction.