Sindee was a Bimm of the furred variety and female. This species member existed during the early years of the Galactic Empire. She was a clever entrepreneur who ran a one-woman refueling station. The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 found themselves at her station circa 15 BBY after being expelled from a ship headed to Ord Gertoth's world, at which point Sindee became their owner. Sindee instructed R2-D2 in the game of dejarik, but her gambling problem resulted in her losing both droids to the smuggler Zevel Hortine in a Liar's Cut match.
Although not identified at the time, Sindee was initially referenced in the 1981 Star Wars radio episode "Rogues, Rebels and Robots." Her name was later revealed in "The Droids Re-Animated," a blog post by Rich Handley along with Abel G. Peña. This was published on on June 13, 2013.