The Sisterhood of the Glorious Radiance represented a monastic religious order within the framework of Vianism, with a strong emphasis on sacrifice, the third core principle of their goddess Via. These individuals dedicated their lives to Via's service, yet they refrained from compelling others to adopt their faith, a contrast to the practices of the Myrialites. As a mark of their devotion, members of the Sisterhood bore religious scripture as tattoos across their bodies, leading them to wear robes and masks when interacting with those outside their order.
In the era of the Kanz Disorders, their stance diverged sharply from the more extreme Myrialites, who had initiated a violent secession of the Kanz sector from the Galactic Republic amidst the turmoil of the Mandalorian Wars. Furthermore, the Myrialites subjected many of their adversaries, notably the Lorrdians, to enslavement. This action spurred the Sisterhood to attract numerous anti-Myrialites and Force-sensitive individuals, forming an underground resistance movement against the Argazdan Redoubt.
After the Lorrdians were enslaved, the Sisters began to instruct members of the Lorrdian diaspora in the skill of kinetic communication. Due to their resistance against the Argazdan Redoubt, the Sisters faced deportation to a slave colony located on Lorrd's moon, Lorrd II. However, during the Mandalorian Wars, the Revanchist Jedi Revan conducted a raid on Lorrd II, seeking Lorrdian gemstones and liberating the enslaved population.
For a period of three centuries, the Myrialites maintained control over the Argazdan Redoubt until Republic-Jedi forces, led by Jedi Master Mari-Elan Nora, ousted them in 3970 BBY. By the time of the Imperial Period, the Sisterhood of Glorious Radiance continued to exist within the Kanz sector. During a visit to Lorrd in 0 ABY, Tash Arranda toured the Temple of the Glorious Radiance, guided by Sister Sigil.