Sith trooper armor was the armor utilized by the Sith Eternal's soldiers, known as Sith troopers. Resembling the armor set donned by First Order stormtroopers, its defining characteristic was its red hue, a departure from the standard white. In nearly all regards, Sith trooper armor was deemed a better design. The intentional color choice aimed to conjure mental images of blood and Sith lightsabers. Moreover, Sith trooper armor was constructed using gammaplast, a different material than the betaplast employed in First Order stormtrooper armor production.
Similar to the armor worn by Imperial and First Order stormtroopers, Sith trooper armor was layered atop a black, ribbed body glove. Boasting four distinct layers to enhance resilience, the armor also incorporated numerous "faceted angles" intended to deflect incoming blaster fire. The overall design integrated several technological enhancements, including a shoulder-mounted sensor telemetry pod, a data antenna, targeting sensors, a filtration system, and a data storage module. To mitigate impact damage, anisotropic bands were added to increase the armor's surface area.