A brief battle, occurring in the year 27 BBY, unfolded within a star system situated in the Unknown Regions. Progga, a Hutt, relentlessly pursued the Bargain Hunter, even through their hyperspace jumps, with the intention of hijacking the vessel. His objective was to seize a valuable cargo of rare furs and firegems destined for Drixo, Progga's Hutt rival. Before Dubrak Qennto concluded his attempts to reason with Progga, the Chiss launched a Conner net at both ships. While the Bargain Hunter was rendered inoperable, Progga's starship had defenses against Conner nets. Ready for combat, Progga steered his starship to face the source of the nets: Picket Force Two of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet, which included a cruiser along with three fighter escorts, all under the command of Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo. The ensuing confrontation lasted for six minute between Progga and the Springhawk.
Timothy Zahn's 2006 novel, Outbound Flight, details the clash between the Chiss and Progga. However, the book does not give an official name to this particular engagement.