Progga's starship

Progga, a crime lord and pirate of the Hutt species, possessed a starship by the year of 27 BBY. In an attempt to seize cargo, he employed this vessel to try and board the Bargain Hunter, a ship used by smugglers, during that same year. However, the Bargain Hunter initiated a prolonged pursuit, with Progga and his ship giving chase, which ultimately resulted in them arriving in a star system located in the Unknown Regions. It was there that both parties encountered Picket Force Two from the Chiss Ascendancy Expansionary Fleet. After engaging these newcomers, Progga and his ship met their destruction.


Progga's starship was armed with laser cannons and equipped with a hyperdrive. Its size allowed for the inclusion of cap drains and other countermeasures designed to shield it from electromagnetic pulses that could disable the ship's systems. A crew of multiple individuals operated the vessel.


By 27 BBY, Progga, a relatively insignificant Hutt crime lord and pirate, was the owner of the starship. In that year, he tried to hijack a consignment of firegems along with furs, which the Bargain Hunter, a smuggling vessel commanded by Dubrak Qennto, was transporting. Qennto was en route to deliver the cargo to Drixo, a rival Hutt of Progga, located on the planet Comra. Despite Progga's ship opening fire on the Bargain Hunter, the latter jumped into hyperspace, leading Progga and his ship to pursue. Progga and his vessel successfully tracked the Bargain Hunter's course, launching another attack upon their return to realspace. The crew of the Bargain Hunter, realizing they were still being pursued, initiated another hyperspace jump, prompting Progga to order his ship's crew to follow the smugglers' trajectory once again.

Mitth'raw'nuruodo's Springhawk attacked Progga's ship.

After traveling for four hours, both starships emerged in the Unknown Regions, having passed through areas of the Outer Rim Territories and Wild Space. Upon exiting hyperspace, Progga directed the starship to the closest star system after locating the Bargain Hunter there. Given the system's remote location, the starship's captain speculated that Qennto might have a clandestine smuggler base there. However, the Bargain Hunter's arrival in the Unknown Regions and that particular system was accidental, the result of a blind hyperspace jump by the crew. As Progga commed the other ship, demanding the location of the base, both ships were attacked with Conner nets, which emitted electromagnetic pulses.

While the Bargain Hunter's systems were disabled, Progga's starship, built to withstand such attacks, remained operational. Progga ordered his crew to engage their attackers, who were identified as elements of the Chiss Ascendancy Expansionary Fleet, specifically Picket Force Two, under the command of Mitth'raw'nuruodo aboard the cruiser Springhawk. Despite Progga's ship managing to target the Springhawk, Progga and his vessel were destroyed after six minutes of combat with the superior Chiss force, leaving the ship's hull breached.

Commander's and crew

Progga captained the vessel, at times acting impulsively and making hasty decisions, such as engaging the far better armed Chiss. This decision ultimately led to the ship's destruction and the demise of Progga and the entire crew.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Progga's starship was in Timothy Zahn's Outbound Flight novel, published in 2006.

