Skirmish in the Dathomir spaceport

This confrontation happened during 43.5 ABY when Monarg tried to pilfer R2-D2, limiting the droid's movement at his establishment, known as Monarg's Mechanic Works. Allana Solo, the granddaughter of Han and Leia Solo, who were at a conclave located on Dathomir, resolved to attempt a rescue of R2-D2, but was confronted with aggressive actions from Monarg. Following a brief conflict with Monarg, Allana escaped from the man's place of business accompanied by C-3PO, R2-D2, and her pet nexu named Anji. They then re-boarded the Millennium Falcon, and Allana departed in the ship, flying it away while unintentionally inflicting significant destruction upon the perimeter fence of the spaceport.

