On Dathomir in 43 ABY, lived a male technician by the name of Monarg. He ran Monarg's Mechanic Works, his successful mechanic shop located in the planet's main spaceport, aided by a team of mechanic droids. Despite Monarg's occasional drunken outbursts that landed him in the local prison overnight, his business thrived. Instantly recognizable by his eye patch, Monarg was well-regarded by local authorities. When Vestara Khai, a Sith apprentice, arrived on Dathomir, she sold her SoroSuub StarTripper Yacht, known as She's a Chancer, to Monarg. In return, she received enough credits to send a hypercomm message to her Sith allies on Kesh. Monarg proceeded to invest a significant sum in fixing up the yacht, failing to submit the required paperwork with the spaceport. Soon after, the astromech droid R2-D2 infiltrated Monarg's shop, only to be captured and fitted with a restraining bolt by the mechanic. Allana Solo, one of R2-D2's owners, a female, soon made her way to Monarg's Mechanic Works to retrieve her missing droid. She started a fire by igniting a lubricant barrel outside the shop as a diversion to sneak inside. After putting out the fire with a fire extinguisher, Monarg discovered Solo in his shop. He lifted her into the air and simultaneously stunned her pet Nexu, Anji, by throwing it down. A cup of caf was then thrown in his eyes, blinding him. After stumbling around, he found Solo again and picked her up once more. C-3PO, Solo's protocol droid, entered the shop, claiming to be downloading combat techniques. Monarg engaged the droid, easily defeating him, unaware that it was a distraction. C-3PO had sent a command to R2-D2, who then shocked Monarg's rear with his arc welder. Solo, Anji, and the droids quickly escaped. Monarg, gathering some burly companions, pursued them to their starship, the Millennium Falcon. He tried to get in using a cutting torch, but Zekk, a Jedi Knight secretly watching over Solo, used the Force to destroy the tool as the Falcon took off.
Days later, Tarth Vames, the spaceport's deputy director of operations, visited Monarg's shop with Khai, Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master), his son Ben, and Dyon Stadd, a companion of the Skywalkers'. Because Monarg had not submitted the required paperwork for the SoroSuub yacht, Vames confiscated it and handed it over to the Skywalkers.